2016 Federal Budget: New Car – Not Much Gas

The 2016 federal budget proposes to make good on the slew of Liberal election promises that resulted in a Liberal majority last fall.   Fed up with the Tories, Canadians chose the Liberals as the preferred vehicle to drive the Tories out and move the country away from a decade of austerity, war and corruption, to the ‘sunny ways’ agenda of promised jobs, prosperity, democracy, and action on climate change.

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Disons au Parlement de Rejeter le PTP!

Le Partenariat Trans-Pacifique (PTP) a été signé au début de février par 12 pays, dont le Canada. Négocié derrière des portes closes, cet accord garantit les «droits» des investisseurs, au détriment des travailleuses et des travailleurs. Les politicien-e-s et les grands médias affirment que les accords commerciaux « crée des emplois» et stimule les recettes fiscales. Mais sous le capitalisme, les compagnies (canadiennes et étrangères) augmentent les profits en réduisant les emplois, en évitant la surveillance environnementale et en exigeant des baisses d’impôt. Le PTP doit être ratifié par les législatures de tous les pays signataires. Mobilisons-nous maintenant pour dire au Parlement de rejeter le PTP!

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Tell Parliament to reject the Trans-Pacific Partnership

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) was signed in early February by 12 countries, including Canada. Negotiated behind closed doors, this deal will guarantee the “right” of investors, at the expense of working people. Politicians and the corporate media claim that trade deals “create jobs” and boost tax revenues. But under capitalism, corporations (both Canadian-based and foreign-owned) boost profits by slashing employment, avoiding environmental oversight, and demanding lower taxes. The TPP requires ratification by the legislatures of all the signing countries. Mobilize now: tell Parliament to reject the TPP!

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Ontario Communists elect new leader

The Ontario Committee has elected Dave McKee as the new leader of the CPC (Ontario) following the release of Liz Rowley, who was elected CPC leader in January. McKee is a long time activist in the peace movement and current president of the Canadian Peace Congress. He has been part of the CPC’s Ontario leadership for … Read more

Salutations du Parti communiste du Canada pour la Journée internationale des femmes 2016

Le 8 Mars, Journée internationale des femmes, c’est le temps de célébrer notre histoire de lutte pour l’égalité, et de nous unir dans l’action pour gagner un monde meilleur et plus juste. Au Canada, nous célébrons la défaite des Conservateurs anti-femme d’Harper qui ont fermé presque tous les organismes ou services fédéraux qui soutenaient l’égalité des femmes, qui ont fermé le bureau de Condition féminine Canada, éliminé le financement des organisations de femmes qui sont engagées dans leur défense, adopté le projet de loi C-36 (qui met en danger la vie des travailleuses du sexe) et bloqué les avenues juridiques pour lutter en faveur de l’équité salariale.

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IWD 2016 Greetings – Harper’s gone, but the struggle for equality continues

This March 8, International Women’s Day, is time to celebrate our history of struggle for equality, and to unite in action for a better and more just world. In Canada we celebrate the defeat of the anti-women Harper Tories, who shut down virtually every federal agency or service which supported women’s equality, closed Status of Women Canada offices, eliminated funding of women’s organizations which engage in advocacy, passed Bill C-36 (which endangers the lives of sex workers) and blocked legal avenues to fight for pay equity. 

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Support BDS – Condemn Israeli Apartheid!

The Communist Party of Canada condemns the February 22 vote in Parliament, in which the Liberals and Conservatives joined forces to pass a shameful motion denouncing the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel’s apartheid policies. The motion also condemns anyone in Canada who supports or promotes BDS. The Communist Party reaffirms its longstanding and unwavering solidarity with the people of Palestine, its condemnation of Israeli apartheid, and its support for the BDS campaign in Canada and internationally.

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End all Canadian Military Interventions in Iraq and Syria!

Following the Liberal government’s announced changes to Canada’s military actions in Iraq and Syria, the Communist Party of Canada is renewing its call for an immediate and complete end to participation in any military interventions in the region. We join with others in urging a renewal of anti-war actions across Canada, including protests planned on March 19 in a number of cities.

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Alberta NDP refuses to challenge energy interests

Commentary by Naomi Rankin, Communist Party-Alberta leader

If anyone in Alberta thought that electing an NDP government was all they needed to do to fix the economy, they had a rude awakening in the royalty review report finally issued by the NDP appointed committee. This is a document that could have been accepted by any Tory government in the last 40 years, or the Socreds before that, making no challenges to illogical economic assumptions that have guaranteed oil and gas corporate profits at our expense – except that the Tories might have felt obliged to engage in more window dressing of the blatant surrender to the big oil and gas operators.

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Appel à la tenue du 38ième Congrès central du Parti communiste du Canada

En vertu de l’article 7, alinéa 2 de la Constitution, le Comité central lance, par la présente, l’Appel à la tenue du 38ième Congrès, qui aura lieu du 21 au 23 mai 2016 à Toronto. Le Congrès débutera ses travaux Samedi le 21 mai à 9h30 du matin à Toronto. Les inscriptions commenceront Samedi matin à 8h30 dans la grande salle du congrès.

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