Celebrate the 200th anniversary of Karl Marx’s birth

In 2018, the international communist movement, and other workers, socialists and revolutionaries, will celebrate the 200th anniversary of Karl Marx’s birth.  The Communist Party will make this anniversary a time to disseminate knowledge of Marx’s life and understanding of his revolutionary ideas. Clubs and all other Party collectives are directed to mark this anniversary as broadly … Read more

The wildfire tragedies – a call for radical action against global warming

The Fort McMurray fire, which broke out May 2nd during an unprecedented spring heat wave in northern Alberta, now covers 423,000 hectares of boreal forest as of May 18th. The plight of more than 80,000 Fort McMurray residents, frantically trying to evacuate amidst fire and smoke, knowing they might not have homes to return to, has touched the hearts of Canadians. Most are still unable to return to their homes, and the fire has also had a devastating impact on First Nations and other communities in the area. The delegates at the 38th Central Convention of the Communist Party send our solidarity to all those who are victims of this terrible disaster.

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CPC wraps-up successful 38th Central Convention

By Kimball Cariou

The 38th Central Convention of Canada’s second-oldest political party wrapped up in Toronto on May 23, after three days of intense debates, a lively Saturday night banquet, and the election of a new leadership.

Forty-three delegates were elected to the Communist Party’s convention, joined by a number of alternates, members of outgoing leadership bodies, and many interested members and friends of the CPC and the Young Communist League.

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97th anniversary of the Winnipeg General Strike

The labour movement across Canada, and especially in Winnipeg, will mark the anniversary of the Winnipeg General Strike this year. The Communist Party of Canada welcomes these celebrations and will work for the success of these important tributes.

The 1919 Winnipeg General Strike is one of the greatest working class struggles in Canadian history, a strike that combined the militancy, enthusiasm and solidarity of the overwhelming majority of Winnipeg’s workers against the capitalist big shots who still trample on the rights and lives of workers.

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TPP Public Hearings: “These consultations are a sham”

Contribution to the public hearing on the Trans-Pacific Partnership, convened by the House Standing Committee on International Trade in Montreal, May 10th 2016

Thank you for letting me speak today. My name is Johan Boyden and I am the Central Organizer of the Communist Party of Canada, which has a 95 year history fighting for social progress.

I would like to begin, if I may, by making a reflection. A reflection on who is here, and who is not.  Many of us in the audience today found out about these Parliamentary Committee consultations at the last minute. But the representative of Bombardier, who you invited to speak at length just now, seemed very well prepared, as if knowing about these consultations a long time ago.

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May Day 2016: Build Coalitions, struggle for a Common Front

May Day greetings from the Central Executive Committee, Communist Party of Canada

May Day 2016 arrives in an environment where stagnating imperialism seeks to extend its existence, using war, nationalism, militarism, religious fundamentalism and racism to continue its exploitation of the planet and its peoples. Inter-imperialist rivalries for world domination escalate the dangers of war and ecological destruction, to the extent that the survival of our species is a concrete and immediate question. The socialist alternative, first achieved in statehood by the victory of the great proletarian revolution of 1917, is no longer an option but the essence of the struggle for existence. The socialist states that exist, or the development of transitional forms to socialism, are harbingers of the future, the ingredients of salvation. These are the parameters of the global struggle for life, for the continuity of our species.

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Solidarity with the people of Venezuela – No imperialist interference!

On this Global Day of Solidarity with the People of Venezuela the Communist Party of Canada condemns the ongoing imperialist interference in Venezuela, as part of the plan to destabilize the country and provoke “regime change.” We stand in unwavering solidarity with the Venezuelan people, the Bolivarian revolution and its elected President Nicolàs Maduro, and our fraternal party, the Communist Party of Venezuela. The CPC calls upon all peace and progressive forces in Canada to express their active support for the Venezuelan people, who alone have the right to determine their political, social and economic future, free from foreign interference.

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