MMIWG findings and recommendations deserve full support

The report issued on June 3 by the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, Reclaiming Power and Place, is a stunning indictment of the genocidal record and policies of the Canadian state, and a powerful call for immediate action towards justice and equality. The Communist Party of Canada extends our solidarity to all those who courageously testified to the Inquiry over the last three years, and supports their demands for a genuine transformation of this society.

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Canada must resume visa processing in Cuba

The Communist Party of Canada denounces the decision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to cease the issuance of visas to Cubans to visit Canada from its embassy in Havana.

We consider this a hostile act which will seriously curtail people-to-people exchange between Cuba and Canada, and constitutes a major setback to the long-time friendly, economic, social, and diplomatic relations between our two countries. We therefore demand that this decision of the government of Canada be rescinded immediately.

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May Day 2019: Build a united resistance against the corporate attack!

Around the world, May Day 2019 will be celebrated as a day of struggle for labour rights, peace, democracy, solidarity and environmental sustainability. May First will also honour the 100th anniversary of the historic Winnipeg General Strike of 1919. But at the same time, the enemies of the working class are dragging the world towards war, fascism and climate catastrophe, and a critical federal election is just months away in Canada.

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1er mai 2019: Construisons une résistance unitaire face à l’attaque du Capital!

Dans le monde entier, le 1er mai 2019 sera célébré comme une journée de lutte pour les droits des travailleur-euse-s, la paix, la démocratie, la solidarité et la durabilité environnementale. Le 1er mai commémorera également le 100ième anniversaire de l’historique grève générale de Winnipeg, en 1919. Mais en même temps, les ennemis de la classe ouvrière sont en train d’entraîner le monde dans la guerre, le fascisme et vers la catastrophe climatique, tandis que des élections fédérales cruciales auront lieu dans quelques mois au Canada.

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Women: Unite and build the resistance!

Let’s celebrate International Women’s Day in 2019, by honouring women around the world who have stood up to the resurgence of a patriarchal, alt-right, fascist movement with courage, integrity, wisdom and expertise. Let’s celebrate the courage of these women who have confronted the right-wing resurgence in Latin America, the rampant misogyny and oppression of Dutarte, Modi and Trump. Let’s celebrate the women who have exposed the failings of the Trudeau government, and women who have played a leading role in exposing provincial governments’ oppressive policies in conservative-led provinces across Canada.

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Femmes, unissez-vous et construisez la résistance!

Célébrons la Journée internationale des droits des femmes en 2019 en rendant hommage aux femmes autour du monde qui ont résisté à la résurgence d’un mouvement patriarcal de droite et fasciste avec courage, intégrité, sagesse et savoir-faire. Célébrons le courage de ces femmes qui ont affronté la résurgence de la droite en Amérique latine, la misogynie et l’oppression des Dutarte, Modi et Trump. Célébrons les femmes qui ont mis en lumière les échecs du gouvernement Trudeau et celles qui ont joué un rôle de premier plan en exposant les politiques opprimantes des gouvernements des provinces canadiennes dirigées par les Conservateurs.

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Canada, ne touche pas au Venezuela! Non au coup d’État, non aux sanctions, non au «groupe de Lima»!

Le Comité central du Parti communiste du Canada condamne la tentative de coup d’État organisée par les gouvernements des États-Unis et du Canada au Venezuela. Le Parti communiste du Canada exprime sa totale solidarité avec le peuple du Venezuela et son gouvernement élu démocratiquement et dirigé par le président Nicolas Maduro.

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Curb corporate power! Prosecute SNC Lavalin & repeal DPAs

Repeal the Deferred Prosecution Agreements Hidden in the 2018 Budget Bill.
Prosecute SNC Lavalin for Bribery and Corruption.
Save Jobs, Curb Corporate Power!

The terrible truth in the SNC Lavalin scandal is that both Liberal and Tory governments have bent to the will of the biggest corporations since Canadian capitalists first created these parties to look after their corporate class interests more than a century ago.  They’ve tried hard to hide that fact from the public – but every now and then the truth is exposed.

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