Exigeons le retrait immédiat des troupes Turques et Américaines de Syrie!

Arrêtez les nouveaux plans de guerre des États-Unis en Syrie et dissolvez l’OTAN maintenant!

Le Parti communiste du Canada a condamné l’invasion turque de la Syrie après l’annonce de Trump du retrait des forces américaines, la qualifiant d’escalade dans la sale guerre menée par les États-Unis et l’OTAN contre la Syrie.

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Solidarity with CLC staff on strike

The Communist Party of Canada joins with labour organizations across the country in expressing solidarity with the Canadian Union of Labour Representatives (IAMAW 3111), whose members working at the Canadian Labour Congress have taken strike action.

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Solidarité avec les employé-es du CTC en grève

Le Parti communiste du Canada se joint aux organisations syndicales qui, à travers le pays, expriment leur solidarité avec le Syndicat canadien des représentants et représentantes syndicaux (AIMTA section locale 3111, SCRRS) dont les membres, qui travaillent pour le Congrès du travail du Canada, se sont mis en grève le matin du 15 octobre.

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CLC should reinstate Lafleur & strengthen international solidarity

The news that the Canadian Labour Congress has stripped Vice-President Donald Lafleur of his duties and put him on administrative leave raises many troubling questions. This action runs counter to the urgent need for labour to adopt a more militant fightback strategy, to strengthen the role of trade unions in the struggles for peace and international solidarity, and to promote a more democratic and inclusive leadership style, from the top levels of the CLC down to the provincial federations, labour councils, and union locals.

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Trudeau’s Blackface and Racism in Canada

Images of the Prime Minister in blackface have exposed what most racialized, Indigenous and progressive people have long suspected.  This incident points to the real, intertwined issues of individual and systemic racism in Canada. Justin Trudeau is part of the ruling class, and – in politics or not – has greatly benefitted from a political system built on racism and exploitation.  The Liberals and Tories – which have formed all the federal governments since Confederation – are the defenders and propagators of capitalism, and are responsible for the policies and actions that have caused such misery and death for Indigenous and racialized people in Canada, and facilitated the massive accumulation of wealth by the corporations operating here.

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Solidarity with Jammu and Kashmir

Oppose war and respect the right of national self-determination!

The Communist Party of Canada stands with progressive and democratic voices around the world in condemning the Indian government’s decision to attack the national rights of Jammu and Kashmir, by abrogating its constitutional special status and denying it of its right to Indian statehood. In the process, the reactionary government of Narendra Modi has fanned the flames of ethnic and religious division, regional conflict, and war involving nuclear armed states.

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No Time to Waste: Organize, Mobilize, Resist!

This Labour Day, we rally and march in the shadow of the upcoming federal election. Without question, the stakes are enormous for the working class – issues of economic insecurity, environmental devastation, and the danger of widespread war are all on the line. This is a key moment for the labour movement to campaign for its own political, social and economic policies, and to make these a benchmark for all those seeking labour’s support.

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