Labour Day: For peace and prosperity, not war and austerity!

This Labour Day marks an increase in militancy and solidarity amongst unionized workers from coast to coast. The soaring cost of living has pushed workers to take up the fight for higher wages and better. The horror of the genocide waged by Israel against the people in Gaza, and the federal government’s continued support for Israel’s war on the Palestinian people has stirred the organized labour movement into opposition.

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The way forward is for the Venezuelan people themselves

The Communist Party of Canada has followed the July 28 presidential election in Venezuela with keen interest – not as detached observers, but as a Party with a history of solidarity with the struggles of the Venezuelan people for sovereignty, democracy, social justice, liberation from imperialist domination and ultimately for a socialist future. We extend our congratulations to the Venezuelan working class and progressive movements for continuing these struggles under the extreme pressure of US imperialism and domestic reaction, which desperately seek one way or another to reverse the revolutionary process initiated by the late President Hugo Chavez.

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Camarade Nguyen Phu Trong, nous répondons : « Présents! »

C’est avec tristesse que nous avons appris le décès du camarade Nguyen Phu Trong, Secrétaire général du Parti communiste du Vietnam, survenu en date du 19 juillet dernier. À cette occasion, le Parti communiste du Canada tient à transmettre ses plus sincères condoléances au Parti communiste et au peuple du Vietnam ainsi qu’à saluer la contribution de ce valeureux combattant qui a consacré sa vie à la construction d’un Vietnam souverain et socialiste. 

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Comrade Nguyen Phu Trong, we respond: ‘Present!’

We were saddened to learn of the death of Comrade Nguyen Phu Trong, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam, on July 19. On this occasion, the Communist Party of Canada wishes to convey its most sincere condolences to the Communist Party and the people of Vietnam, and to salute the contribution of this valiant fighter who devoted his life to building a sovereign and socialist Vietnam.

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Avant qu’il soit trop tard : Canada hors de l’OTAN! Réduction des dépenses militaires!

Le Parti communiste du Canada condamne la récente annonce du Premier ministre Trudeau selon laquelle le Canada consacrera 2 % de son PIB aux dépenses militaires d’ici 2032. Cette annonce, prononcée le 11 juillet dernier lors du sommet de l’OTAN, signifie un engagement à réduire les soins de santé et les services publics et promet d’aggraver le danger croissant de guerre mondiale et d’anéantissement nucléaire.

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Now is the time to cut military spending and leave NATO, before it’s too late

The Communist Party of Canada condemns the recent announcement of Prime Minister Trudeau that Canada would spend 2% of its GDP on military spending by 2032. This announcement, made at the NATO summit on July 11, is a commitment to cut healthcare and public services and promises to escalate the growing danger of global war and nuclear annihilation.

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Pride 2024: Unite to stop the far-right “culture war”

Amid the many celebrations of Pride this summer across Canada, the growing dangers of war, environmental catastrophe and social injustice are also on everyone’s mind. While public support remains strongly in favour of full equality rights, the “culture war” launched by fascist and fundamentalist groups continues to target transgender rights in particular, but aimed at the entire 2S/LGBTiQ+ (Two-Spirit / Lesbian / Gay / Bisexual / Transgender / Intersex / Queer) community.

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