La nomination de Mary Simon ne fait rien pour s’attaquer aux questions pressantes

La nomination de Mary Simon, leader de longue date au sein de la communauté inuit, au poste de gouverneure générale du Canada, marque la première nomination d’une personne d’origine autochtone en tant que représentante du monarque britannique au Canada. Ce fait prouve que le premier ministre Justin Trudeau et son gouvernement libéral sont confrontés à une pression politique intense pour prendre des mesures concrètes pour aborder les problèmes pressants dont sont victimes les peuples autochtones du Canada, tels que des taux effroyables de pauvreté, d’incarcération et d’itinérance, un accès inadéquat à l’éducation, aux soins médicaux et aux services sociaux, et beaucoup plus.

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Solidarity with Cuba against US-backed destabilization attempts

End the illegal and inhuman blockade of Cuba!

The Communist Party of Canada denounces this past weekend’s US-backed destabilization efforts in Cuba. It is clear that protests in Cuba and the simultaneous demonstrations in cities outside the country had the hand of the US behind them.

The Communist Party of Canada extends its full solidarity to the Cuban people, the Cuban government and the Communist Party of Cuba as they defend their independence, their sovereignty and their socialist revolution. We salute the thousands of revolutionary Cubans, including President Miguel Diaz-Canel, who took to the street on Sunday to end this latest provocation.

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Mary Simon Goveror-General appointment does nothing to tackle the real issues

The appointment of long-time Inuit leader Mary Simon as the new Governor-General of Canada marks the first time that a person of Indigenous origin has held this office, as the formal representative in Canada of the British monarch. The fact that PM Justin Trudeau chose to recommend Simon for this position reflects the intense political pressure on his Liberal government to take action on the urgent issues faced by Indigenous peoples in Canada, such as dire poverty levels, high rates of incarceration and homelessness, inadequate access to education, health care and social services, and much more.

The Communist Party of Canada considers this appointment as a political move by the PM to give the impression that his government takes these issues seriously, since a federal election call is expected soon. Despite their previous election promises to implement the 94 Calls to Action issued by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and the recommendations of the National Inquiry into Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls, the federal Liberals have been dragging their feet for years, making little progress on many of these specific and concrete measures. 

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Canada must acknowledge Peru’s Castillo presidency

Three weeks have passed since the historic June 6 presidential election in Peru, and yet the winner has yet to be officially declared by the country’s electoral authorities. This is despite the fact that the Peruvian National Office of Electoral Processes (ONPE) released the final vote count on June 15 showing that the left-of-centre candidate Pedro Castillo had narrowly prevailed over his right-wing opponent Keiko Fujimori by 50.1% to 49.9%, and that all international election observer teams, including from the U.S. and the Organization of American States (OAS), have declared that the elections were properly carried out, “clean” and fraud-free.

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Le 1er juillet n’est pas jour de célébrations !

La découverte tragique de 751 tombes anonymes sur le site de l’ancien pensionnat autochtone de Marieval en Saskatchewan est un exemple poignant de ce qui est loin d’être seulement une page sombre de l’histoire du Canada. Durant plus d’un siècle, ces institutions ont été la pierre angulaire de l’effort suprématiste blanc d’assimilation des peuples autochtones en détruisant leurs langues, leurs pratiques culturelles et leurs croyances spirituelles. L’État canadien impérialiste actuel tire ses origines de la saisie, par le régime colonial, des terres des Autochtones et de l’exploitation capitaliste de la classe ouvrière, ce qui permet à une minorité de millionnaires et de milliardaires d’accumuler une richesse colossale, mais qui n’offre aux Premières nations, aux Métis et aux Inuits que la destruction et la mort.

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July 1 is not a day for celebrations

The tragic discovery of 751 unmarked graves at the site of the former Marieval residential school in Saskatchewan is a powerful reminder that this was not simply a “dark chapter” in the history of Canada. For over a century, these institutions were a crucial piece of the genocidal white supremacist drive to assimilate Indigenous peoples by destroying languages, cultural practices and spiritual beliefs. Today’s imperialist Canadian state has its origins in the colonial seizure of Indigenous lands and the capitalist exploitation of the working class, bringing vast wealth to a handful of millionaires and billionaires, but death and destruction to the First Nations, Metis and Inuit peoples.

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Genocide Revealed

Free Palestine

The Communist Party of Canada expresses deep sorrow and sympathy to the Indigenous survivors of  500 years of colonial and capitalist genocide, including more than a century of the residential school system which forcibly removed 150,000 children from their families, and is responsible for the death of thousands.

We support the AFN’s demand that the federal government  immediately act to uncover other mass graves of children in residential schools across Canada and to identify and repatriate the remains to their families and communities.

We demand that the federal government and Parliament act now to implement all of the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, of which only 10 of 94 have been implemented to date, and another 24 are ‘in progress’, 40 are under discussion, and 20 haven’t been touched.  We further demand that the recommendations of the Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls must also be enacted now.

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Le Canada doit cesser son consentement au génocide palestinien : non aux attaques israéliennes et au déplacement forcé des Palestinien-nes à Jérusalem-Est

Free Palestine

Le Parti communiste du Canada dénonce le gouvernement israélien pour ses attaques barbares contre les résident-es de Cheikh Jarrah dans la Jérusalem-Est occupée, pour ses évictions forcées de Palestinien-nes de leurs maisons ensuite occupées par des colons israéliens, et pour ses attaques vicieuses et racistes contre les fidèles pacifiques à la mosquée d’Al-Aqsa. Il s’agit d’un crime contre l’Humanité et d’un nettoyage ethnique selon la Charte de l’ONU.

Alors que les cours israéliennes tentent de légitimer le déplacement forcé de familles palestiniennes à travers leurs lois d’apartheid, la police, les militaires et les colons terrorisent les résident-es palestiniens dans un effort de les chasser de chez eux. Plus de 100 Palestinien-nes ont été attaqués, dont plusieurs blessés et tués, incluant des enfants, par la police israélienne et par des colons qui incitent à la violence raciste. Certains fiers à bras scandent même des slogans du genre « mort aux Arabes ».

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Free Palestine

The Communist Party of Canada denounces the Israeli government for its barbaric attacks on the Palestinian residents of Sheikh Jarrah in occupied East Jerusalem, its forced eviction of Palestinians from their homes, which are then occupied by Israeli settlers, and its vicious and racist attacks on peaceful worshippers at the Al-Aqsa Mosque.  This is ethnic cleansing, and a crime against humanity under the UN Charter.

While Israeli courts have attempted to legitimize the forced displacement of Palestinian families with their apartheid laws, Israeli police, military and settlers have terrorized Palestinian residents in an effort to drive them out of their homes.  Over 100 Palestinians have been attacked, with scores injured and killed – including children, by Israeli police and settlers inciting racist violence, including mobs chanting “Death to Arabs”.    

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