End the repression in Sudan

Picture of protesters in Sudan with text: Solidarity: End the repression in Sudan

End the Draconian “State of Emergency” and “Emergency Laws” in Sudan
Release All Political Detainees
Respect the right to peaceful protest actions
End the internet shutdown

These are the demands of tens of thousands of demonstrators protesting in cities across Sudan against the military dictatorship which organized a coup d’état October 25 against the interim civilian military coalition government which was to hold elections for a civilian government next year.

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Imperialist hypocrisy on display: The “diplomatic boycott” of Beijing Olympics

Ice background with skiier, soldier and hockey player. Text: Imperialist Hypocrisy on Display: the "diplomatic boycott" of Beijing Olympics.

With only a few weeks before the Feb. 5 opening ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic  Games, the attempt by the US and its clique of faithful allies to mount a so-called “diplomatic  boycott” has faltered. The Communist Party of Canada condemns this shameful exercise in  hypocrisy, which is backed by the federal government and the parties in Parliament. This is the  latest indication that support for Washington’s global strategy has become the virtually  unquestioned basis of Canada’s foreign policy. 

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Bill 21: Canadian Chauvinism is not the Answer to Legault’s Reactionary Narrow Nationalism

The Communist Party of Canada, with a proud century-long tradition of fighting for democratic rights and the right to employment, denounces the dismissal of a teacher in Chelsea, Outaouais, Quebec, for wearing a headscarf under Bill 21. Nevertheless, we condemn with equal firmness the outpouring of editorials, commentaries, articles and political posturing directed against Quebec in the rest of Canada.

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Loi 21 : le chauvinisme canadien n’est pas la solution au nationalisme étroit et réactionnaire de Legault

Photo of Legault with text: Loi 21 Le Chauvinisme canadien n'est pas la solution au nationalisme étroit et réactionnaire de legault

Le Parti communiste du Canada, fier d’une tradition centenaire de luttes pour les droits démocratiques et pour le droit au travail dénonce le licenciement d’une enseignante de Chelsea, en Outaouais, au Québec, sous prétexte qu’elle porte un voile en vertu de la Loi 21. Néanmoins, nous condamnons d’une égale fermeté le déferlement d’éditoriaux, commentaires, articles et prises de position politique dirigés contre le Québec dans le reste du Canada.

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Save Abou Hawash and Palestinian Political Prisonners

Image of Abou Hawash with birds on barbed wire. Text: "Save Abou Hawash & Palestinian Political Prisoners"

The Communist Party of Canada is concerned about the fate of Palestinian political prisoners, especially the 500 of them, including six children, who are subject to the administrative detention regime, which some describe as arbitrary detention. Among them, we are particularly concerned about the fate of Hisham Abu Hawash who, after completing more than 130 days of hunger strike, had his administrative detention renewed for another six months on December 16.

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Sauvons Hisham Abou Hawash et les prisonniers politiques palestiniens

Photo of Abou Hawash with birds on barbed wire. Text: Sauvons Hisham Abou Hawash et les prisonniers politiques palestiniens

Le Parti communiste du Canada s’inquiète du sort des prisonniers politiques palestiniens, en particuliers des 500 parmi eux et elles, dont six enfants, soumis au régime de détention administrative que d’aucuns qualifient de détention arbitraire. Parmi eux, nous nous inquiétons particulièrement du sort de Hisham Abou Hawash qui, après avoir accompli plus de 130 jours de grève de la faim, a vu sa détention administrative renouvelée pour six mois supplémentaires le 16 décembre dernier.

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Contribution of the CP Canada to the extraordinary International Meeting of Communist and Workers Parties

The teleconference of the extraordinary International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties (IMCWP) took place on 10–11 December 2021, under the theme “The international economic, political, and military developments. The experience from the struggle of Communist and Workers’ Parties and the peoples. Solidarity with Cuba, the Palestinian people, and all the peoples struggling against sanctions, machinations, and imperialist aggression”.

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Glasgow: capitalist cop-out on the climate crisis

Workers have a world to win – and a planet to save!

Speaker after speaker at the COP26 conference in Glasgow pointed to the increasing frequency and severity of the effects of climate change, from droughts to hurricanes to floods to forest fires. These effects are devastating the developing countries of the global south, but they are also wreaking havoc in imperialist countries, as evidenced by the recent mass floods and mudslides in BC.

Yet despite the abundant evidence of crisis, the Glasgow conference was a festival of platitudes rather than a serious discussion of solutions.

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Defend the sovereignty of Nicaragua and the peoples of Latin America

The Communist Party of Canada denounces the declaration by Minister of Foreign Affairs Mélanie Joly, that “Nicaragua’s November 7 elections do not reflect the will of the Nicaraguan people.” Likewise, we demand an end to all sanctions against this Central American country. Canada increased its sanctions on November 15 with the clear aim of demonizing the democratically elected Sandinista (FSLN) government.

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Les communistes appellent à défendre la souveraineté du Nicaragua et des peuples d’Amérique latine

Le Parti communiste du Canada dénonce la déclaration de Mélanie Joly, ministre des Affaires étrangères, qui stipule que « les élections du 7 novembre au Nicaragua ne reflètent pas la volonté du peuple nicaraguayen. » De même, nous exigeons la fin de toutes sanctions contre ce pays d’Amérique centrale. Le Canada a, en effet, renforcé ses sanctions le 15 novembre dernier dans un but clair de diabolisation du gouvernement sandiniste élu démocratiquement.

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