Solidarity with the working class in Brazil! Down with Bolsonaro!

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Canada extends solidarity to the working class of Brazil and their allies in their struggle to take federal state power away from the most reactionary elements of the ruling class.

The reactionary movement in Brazil with their support from the Canadian state and big business have murdered and attacked trade unionists, environmentalists and indigenous peoples.  During the campaign they have assaulted politicians, especially Afro-Brazilians, women, and LGBT+ people.

We condemn the support Canadian capital has given to the reactionary movement in Brazil. The Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) is lining up to profit from the controversial privatization of Eletrobras, Brazil’s largest publicly controlled energy utility. The CPPIB already took part in the privatization of the public water utility CEDAE in 2021. This year the Association of Brazil’s Indigenous Peoples presented a study showing that five Canadian banks and asset managers are responsible for pouring over US$2 billion into mining companies with interests in Amazonian Indigenous territories. The companies have a track record of human and environmental rights violations. Canadian capitalists have profited off the last four years of increased deregulation and privatization in Brazil at the cost of the working class.

We salute the work of our comrades in the PCB (Brazilian Communist Party) and PCdoB (Communist Party of Brazil) and all those who fought for democratic rights. The defeat of Bolsonaro in the first round is not the conclusion of the struggle against neo fascism. The fact that the Bolsonaro campaign received over 40% shows that reaction has become entrenched amongst the minds of the masses. It will take more than the ballot box to defeat neo fascism. It requires a broad mass movement to definitively defeat neoliberal policies and ideas which are the effective builders of the economic and social conditions that enabled the emergence and rise of the contemporary variant of the fascist snake.

We will be watching the results of the second round on October 30th and are preparing to mobilise against any coup attempt.

Trabalhadores do mundo, uni-vos!

Central Committee, Communist Party of Canada

October 16, 2022