Save Abou Hawash and Palestinian Political Prisonners

Image of Abou Hawash with birds on barbed wire. Text: "Save Abou Hawash & Palestinian Political Prisoners"

The Communist Party of Canada is concerned about the fate of Palestinian political prisoners, especially the 500 of them, including six children, who are subject to the administrative detention regime, which some describe as arbitrary detention. Among them, we are particularly concerned about the fate of Hisham Abu Hawash who, after completing more than 130 days of hunger strike, had his administrative detention renewed for another six months on December 16.

Abu Hawash’s condition is deteriorating daily. He is between life and death. However, this is not enough for the occupation forces who refuse to transfer him to a civilian hospital. Since October 2020, he has been detained under the pretext of jihadist facts, facts that he has always denied and that his accusers, the Shin Beth barbouzes are unable to prove. Nevertheless, the arbitrary detention regime violates all the conventions on the rights of prisoners, including the right to defense and to appeal. It is nothing less than a court martial for Palestinian civilians that Israel is using for political purposes.

Given the urgency of the situation, we urge Minister Mélanie Joly to put immediate pressure on the Israeli authorities to demand the immediate release of Mr. Abu Hawash.

Similarly, considering the clear violation of Palestinian human rights in Israel, we demand that the Canadian government take consistent action for the release of all political prisoners, the end of the administrative detention regime and the respect of the Geneva Convention by the Israeli authorities.

In the longer term, we know that the core issue remains the occupation of Palestine and therefore demand that the Government of Canada take a clear stand in support of international law and a clear stand in support of the creation of an independent Palestinian state within the 1967 borders, with (now occupied) East Jerusalem as its capital, and in support of the right of return for 1948 refugees.

We also call on all progressive, democratic, trade union, social and popular forces to join their voices to this cause. Whether it is, in the long term, the liberation of Palestine and the defeat of the Zionist project or, in the short term, the liberation and saving of the life of Hisham Abu Hawash, the struggle is the same.

Central Executive Committee, Communist Party of Canada