Take action

Petitions, letters, statements and resolutions to MPs:

– For a draft a resolution for your labour or community organizations, check out our downloads page.

Please note the following are links to external websites.

– Sign the Peoples Voice petition calling to scrap the Bill — and CSIS!

– Sign the Green Party of Canada petition against the Bill.

– Sign the Avaaz Petition against the Bill

– Sign the Lead Now petition against the Bill

Other ideas for an action plan:

– Public forums, letters to the editor, social media, call in to talk radio shows;

You can find a lot of examples of these ideas now on our downloads page

Also, check out Leadnow’s tool to send a letter to your local editor

– Initiatives forming broad-based anti-C-51 coalitions;

– Visable mass public resistance — protests, pickets, street theatre, occupations of MPs offices, mass action.
Stop Bill C-51 campaign site.