Release all political detainees in Sudan now!

Free Opposition Leaders and Sudanese Communist Party Leader Mohamed al-Khateeb

The Communist Party of Canada today renewed its call on the Canadian government and Parliament to demand the immediate release of 3,000 political detainees arbitrarily arrested by the Sudanese government, including approximately 200 women and the leaders of opposition parties and civil society organizations for the crime of protesting government policies of austerity, arbitrary arrests, torture and detention.

Since the mass protests began December 19th, over 7,000 people have been detained by police.  While some have been released as a result of a surging protest movement across the country, combined with international pressure on the reactionary and repressive Sudanese government, more people are being arrested, detained and tortured daily.

Among those in detention are leaders of the Sudanese Opposition parties including Communist Party leader Mohamed al-Khateeb, and other prominent members of the Sudanese Communist Party: Masoud Al Hassan, Sidig Yousif, Ali Saeed, Hanadi Fadi, Faiza Nugud, Salih Mahmoud, Amal Gabriella, AL Digear Mohamed Aburas, and Yahya Al Hussein.

The crisis in Sudan is a result of the government’s policy of deep austerity which has caused widespread hunger and protests across the country, combined with severe repression against protesters, including arbitrary detention, torture, and deaths.

The mass uprising against the government and police is a direct consequence of these government policies and actions, and a clear rejection of the IMF imposed directives on Sudan’s economy and people.

We stand with the Communist Party and the people of Sudan who have rejected austerity and tyranny and are fighting for their rights to determine their country’s future free of IMF diktat and repression.  We call on the labour and democratic movements, and all those who care for democracy, labour, civil and democratic rights to demand the release of all those detained, and an end to repression, reaction and austerity in Sudan.

Central Executive Committee, Communist Party of Canada