Solidarity with Communist Party of Venezuela

The Communist Party of Canada condemns the recent assassination of two campesino leaders and members of the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV). On Oct. 31 in Nueva Bolivia, Merida State, PCV Central Committee member Luis Fajardo and his brother-in-law, Javier Aldana, were killed by a burst of gunfire from a moving car. Both men had been active in defence of campesino rights, but the authorities ignored the serious threats against Luis Fajardo and his family.

We express our full solidarity with the PCV’s call for a prompt and thorough investigation of this crime, including the role of large landholders and corrupt personnel of the National Guardsmen and politicians. President Maduro and Attorney General Tarek William Saab must take swift action to ensure that justice is served in this case.

There is an emerging pattern of violence against activists in the Nueva Bolivia area, such as the failed assassination attempt against PCV campesino leader Robinson Garcia, who came under fire from several motorcyclists on October 9. Luis Fajardo was spearheading the claims of some 250 campesino families to the Cano Rico ranch, which they have occupied to use while waiting for legal adjudication of the lands. This region has seen intense land struggles by small farmers, but despite earlier promises, the Venezuelan authorities have failed to respond adequately when large landholders use deadly force by paramilitary gangs.

The Communist Party of Canada also condemns the shameful role of the Canadian federal government, which plays a leading role in the US-led imperialist campaign to isolate the Bolivarian Revolution and the democratically-elected Maduro government. Most recently, Canada refused to allow Venezuelan citizens in this country to cast a ballot in national elections, and has so far blocked a visa for Venezuelan vice-minister Carlos Ron, who has been invited on a speaking tour to several Canadian cities.

The Liberal government is clearly acting on behalf of big capital, especially the Canadian-based resource companies which are aggressively pushing for new investments and bigger profits throughout the entire region of Latin America. The escalating wave of threats and sanctions against governments which refuse to yield to imperialist demands is intended to create economic and social chaos in countries such as Venezuela. This strategy aims to prepare the conditions for “regime change” tactics such as military interventions, “lawfare” propaganda, or expulsion from important international bodies.

By encouraging those who use violence and terror intimidation tactics inside Venezuela, such as the killers of Luis Fajardo and Javier Aldana, the Canadian government also bears responsibility for their murders. We demand that the Liberal government end its efforts to help overthrow the Maduro government, which are a clear violation of the sovereignty and independence of Venezuela.

Special resolution of the Central Committee, Communist Party of Canada, Nov 18th, 2018