Greetings to the 38th Central Convention of the Communist Party of Canada

The 38th Central Convention received verbal and written greetings from a range of Canadian and international organizations. The Convention was very pleased to receive the messages from over thirty Communist and Workers parties around the world, which are listed below.

Verbal Greetings delivered to the Convention:


Cuba – Julio Garmendía Peña, Ambassador of the Republic of Cuba
Venezuela – Wilmer Barrientos, Ambassador of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
United States – Greg Godels and Ed Grystar (Marxism Leninism Today)
India – Dr. Noor Zaheer, Presiddent of the Delhi Branch of the National Federation of Indian Women


Ottawa – Diane Mitchell, National Co-ordinator, Save Canada Post Campaign, on behalf of Mike Palecek, President, Canadian Union of Postal Workers
Toronto – Natalie Mehra, Executive Director, Ontario Health Coalition

Written Greetings from International Parties and Organizations:

Algeria – Algerian Party for Socialism and Democracy
Belgium – Workers Party of Belgium
Brazil – Workers Party
Britain – Communist Party of Britain
Burma – Communist Party of Burma
Chad – Action Tchadienne pour l’Unité et le Socialisme – parti révolutionnaire populaire et écologique
Chile – Communist Party of Chile
Columbia – International Network for Solidarity with Political Prisioners
Congo – Congolese Communist Party
Czech Republic – Communist Party Bohemia & Moravia
Denmark – Communist Party in Denmark
France – Party of Revolutionary Communists
Germany – German Communist Party
Greece – Communist Party of Greece
India – Communist Party of India (Marxist)
India – Communist Party of India
Iran – Tudeh Party
Iraq – Iraqi Communist Party
Ireland – Communist Party of Ireland
Ireland – Workers Party of Ireland
Israel – Israeli Communist Forum
Laos – Lao People’s Revolutionary Party
Lebanon – Lebanese Communist Party
Malta – Communist Party of Malta
Norway – Communist Party of Norway
Philippines – Philippine Communist Party (1930)
Portugal – Portuguese Communist Party
Russia – Communist Party of the Russian Federation
Russia – Communist Party of the Soviet Union
Spain – Galizan People’s Union
Sudan – Sudanese Communist Party
Swaziland – Communist Party of Swaziland
USA – Communist Party USA
Venezuela – Consul General Toronto
Vietnam – Communist Party of Vietnam

Please note that some written greetings are still arriving.