Over forty CP’s support BDS against Israel

At the recent 17th International Meeting of Communist & Workers’ Parties held in Istanbul, the Communist Party of Canada delegation prepared a special resolution (below) to garner international support for the campaign for boycotts, divestment and sanctions against Israel. Four other parties were approached to co-sponsor the resolution (CPs of Britain, Ireland, Lebanon and South Africa), and all agreed to do so. To date, 43 parties have endorsed the resolution. This initiative reflects our party’s commitment to increasing international pressure on the Zionist state, and our solidarity with the Palestinian people.

Support for Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel

Co-sponsored by the Communist Party of Britain, Communist Party of Canada, Communist Party of Ireland, Lebanese Communist Party, and the South African Communist Party.

We the undersigned parties attending the 17th Meeting of Communist & Workers’ Parties (Istanbul, October 30 – November 1, 2015) agree to support and actively promote the international movement for boycotts, disinvestment and sanctions against Israel until such time as it ceases its violations of the basic human rights of the Palestinian people.

Palestinians have suffered for generations in camps and Israeli prisons, facing torture and death, and Israeli bombings of their schools and homes. Today they are being walled off from the water in their deep aquifers, from access to Jerusalem, from fishing and farming. Gaza is treated as a prison by the Israelis and the rest of Palestine is colonized, and partitioned into townships.

This campaign – which includes consumer boycotts of Israeli goods and services, divestment, and economic sanctions against Israel – is a non-violent form of political action that has had effect in the past (for example against Apartheid South Africa) and is beginning to show its effect on the Israeli economy.

The naming of an Israeli Cabinet Minister to an anti-BDS portfolio indicates that the Zionist Netanyahu government is fearful that this movement will grow. The active involvement of our parties in this campaign can contribute to international coordination and help build the broad front in solidarity with the Palestinian people in their struggles for justice and self-determination.

List of Endorsing IMCWP Parties

Algerian Party for Democracy and Socialism
Communist Party of Argentina
Communist Party of Azerbaijan
Workers’ Party of Bangladesh
Brazilian Communist Party
Communist Party of Brazil
Communist Party of Britain
Communist Party of Canada
Socialist Workers’ Party of Croatia
Communist Party of Cuba
Communist Party in Denmark
Communist Party of Denmark
Communist Party of Finland
French Communist Party
Communist Party of Macedonia
Unified Communist Party of Georgia
Hungarian Workers’ Party
Communist Party of India
Communist Party of India (Marxist)
Tudeh Party of Iran
Iraqi Communist Party
Communist Party of Kurdistan-Iraq
Workers’ Party of Ireland
Communist Party of Kazakhstan
Lebanese Communist Party
Socialist Peoples’ Front (Lithuania)
Communist Party of Malta
Communist Party of Mexico
Communist Party of Norway
Palestinian Communist Party
Communist Party of the Russian Federation
Russian Communist Workers’ Party
Communist Party of the Soviet Union
Communists of Serbia
South African Communist Party
Communist Party of Spain
Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain
Communist Party of Sri Lanka
Sudanese Communist Party
Communist Party of Sweden
Syrian Communist Party
Communist Party, Turkey
Communist Party of Ukraine

(43 endorsing parties)