Quebec voters must not fall into sexist and racist traps, Communists say.

Friday, Oct. 9th 2015
Speaking in Montreal today, the leader of the Communist Party of Canada Miguel Figueroa sharply condemned the use of fear mongering and blackmail by the Harper Conservatives with their so-called anti-Niqab campaign, which he said was targeted at confusing the people of Quebec.

“The politicization of the Niqab is not only a distraction from the main issues of unemployment, poverty wages, and economic crisis,” Figueroa said. “It is a dangerous distortion of what Quebecers and all Canadians really cherish,” pointing to the fact that protecting peace, democracy, and social programmes like public health care consistently polls as what is really important to the people.

“Since their first minority government nine years ago, the Conservatives have been using racism and sexism to divide and conquer,” Figueroa said. “With Harper’s attempt to impose new regulations on the citizenship oath, ban members of the public service from wearing the Niqab, and establish a ‘barbaric cultural practices’ tip line, he is not just pandering to reactionary sentiments, but actively creating them.”

“By willingly associating themselves with this fear mongering, the Bloc is letting itself be used as a tool of the Conservatives, which does not help the Quebec people,” said Pierre Fontaine, leader of the Communist Party of Quebec and candidate in Laurier—Sainte-Marie. “Last Saturday’s demonstration of 150,000 trade unionists in the streets shows workers are fighting for their rights and against austerity, which demands we dump Harper on October 19th, not help him.”

“Feminists in Quebec have explained that women’s liberation can never come by demonizing and even criminalizing women who chose to wear certain clothes,” said Marianne Breton Fontaine, candidate in Hochelaga. “The Conservatives have launched one of the most misogynistic, pro-patriarchal attacks on women in recent history – including closing women’s centers and trying to restrict the right to control our bodies – so it is distressing to see the Bloc be part of this agenda.”

“The Bloc’s team-up with Harper on this issue may win them some votes but will leave Quebecers again with a bad taste in their mouths just like after the failed Charter of Quebec Values,” said Adrien Welsh, candidate in Outremont. “Wasn’t the genocidal Indian Residential School System a real ‘barbaric cultural practice,’ and why won’t the Conservative implement the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation report?”

“The Conservative’s anti-Niqab law will likely violate both the Quebec and Canadian charters of Rights and Freedoms, just like they flagrantly did with Bill C-51,” said William Sloan, candidate in Ville-Marie — Le sud-ouest — Île-des-sœurs. “While most Quebecers are opposed to imperialist wars for oil that have seen the bombing of Arab and Muslim countries – like Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and now Syria – Harper’s Islamophobia helps camouflage what is really going on.”

Miguel Figueroa and the Quebec candidates of the Communist Party will be speaking at an election rally this Saturday at 6:30 pm, at 5359 ave. du Parc.
